Elizabeth Logan So you think you're Scottish do you?


If you are a descendent of Elizabeth Logan and Hugh Dupong Scott let's clear up that misconception! You are only half-Scottish. Elizabeth Logan was the daughter of an Irish father and an English mother. 
Read on to discover your outlaw roots.

map_scotland1804.jpg Throughout history their have been many uprisings in the world, but, let us go to the English - Scottish border in the County of Northumberland to a village called Berwick-on-Tweed. In the early years around 400 A D the Romans and the Scots battled over the land and the Scots were victorious.  Through the centuries there have been many battles for possession of this village and it changed hands many times from Scotland to England and vice versa as well as being defended by outside countries such as France and Spain.  In the end, England gained control of this land and proclaimed it to be a Royal Burgh.